Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Hot Chocolate Run 5k

Let it be known that one of my favorite things in the world is joining a friend for their first race! On Sunday, it was time to join Nick for his first 5k...and he's already talking about what comes next!

Running, addictive? Who knew.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

What I read this month: February 2025

I barely squeezed a book in this month. February is always a busier month because of my birthday, but this February especially felt slammed. Still, a book is a book.

Books read this month: 1
Total books this year: 3

Monday, February 24, 2025

The wake-up call

When I joined the gym back in September 2024, I didn't have a real goal in mind other than to build some muscle. In November, I got on board with my sister's goal to be in the best shape of our lives by 40. But it wasn't until late January that I finally realized I needed to do more than workout consistently: it was really time for me to take my diet into account.

And for the first time in my life, I'm doing it for the right reasons.

Warning: This blog post covers body image, weight, calorie counting, eating habits, and all the sensitive topics that come with all that.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

My Better Half 5k 2025

I almost didn't sign up for this race, but I couldn't let my birthday tradition go. Because I didn't exactly have time to train for a fast or impressive 5k, my mindset was complete, don't compete. I wanted to run this race, but I didn't want to race it.

Friday, January 31, 2025

What I read this month: January 2025

In the middle of January, I suddenly realized I hadn't read a book yet and was starting the year on a bad note, especially since one of my goals this year is to replace doomscrolling with reading. (Ask me how that's going...)

Imagine my surprise when I plowed through the first book to come off hold on Libby and realized my momentary panic about the month being almost over had occurred on...January 7.

January is truly the longest month. Anyway, here's what I read this month!

Books read this month: 2

Total books this year: 2

Monday, January 27, 2025

Rosario Head Trail: Lighthouse and Lottie Point (Deception Pass)

This winter has been relatively dry and sunny, which has allowed Matt and me to try this new-to-us thing called "hiking year round." The last two weeks have been cold (like, 30°s kind of cold) but so incredibly sunny and cloudless that staying inside almost feels illegal.

Our latest winter hike took us to Deception Pass. Matt has paddled there before, but I've never been. We chose this particular hike because my thighs were comically sore from squats the previous day, and I agreed to a hike only if the elevation was extremely moderate.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A couple 5ks

Over the last few weeks, I've wrapped my head around my current struggle with running. For awhile there I really didn't miss it, and I began to think I may give it up entirely for the foreseeable future. But running is the only time I get to see Sarah, and I value the consistency of this little slice of socialization. I never regret a run after it's over. As I started fitting running back into my schedule, I remembered how much I love it, and then I genuinely did start to miss it. But I was still happy to cancel, secretly dancing with joy anytime Sarah had to back out, giving me an excuse to do the same. Why?

Friday, January 3, 2025

Looking back and planning ahead

This is how I ended my 2023/2024 post: "In 2024, I'm looking forward to more. More writing, more reading, more running, and more adventures. I can't wait to see what the year has in store."

2024 was a rough year in many ways, but overall I have to say I'm pretty happy with how it shook out. Personally, I had more ups than downs, and these days focusing on my day-to-day is how I keep things positive. I'm going into 2025 with a few goals—one might even call them resolutions—in mind.