Friday, August 16, 2024

Hiking Summit Lake Trail

For Matt's birthday this year, he asked for a baseball game and a hike. The baseball game was easy; there was even a drone show after, so it felt extra special. Scott, Robby, and our friend Mason joined us.
The hike was harder, of course. Matt chose three hikes he's been wanting to do for awhile and was kind enough to let me choose the winner. I chose the easiest of the three: Summit Lake Trail near Rainier.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Revisions are done (for now)

I began revisions on the first draft of Project Seashore in April or May. Around mid-July, I made the decision to try to finish by the end of the month. Somehow, I managed to accomplish that! I've never revised any of my manuscripts before, so this was new to me. Read on for details on my process, mindset, takeaways, and next steps for this novel.