Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Change of Plans

October is shaping up a little differently than planned. Originally I had a 5k scheduled Oct. 12; my sister was due to give birth on the 7th and I was going to run my race, then drive over to her coast to meet my nephew.

But, Baby was impatient and made his grand entrance September 30!
Meet Wyatt Todd Garreau!
So, we are going to be visiting this weekend instead of next. That works out because my Oct. 12 race was canceled, so now I have decisions to make.
Do I run a 5k this weekend before driving over to meet the little bean, or do I find another 5k for the 12th?

Part of me feels like I'm not really ready for a 5k this weekend, not with full effort. I wanted one more week of training/tapering. But ideally I'd like to race on the same Saturday I meet the baby because then I can be as lazy I want the following weekend - no traveling or racing!

I've found a possible 5k for both weekends. Based on past results, they both seem like fairly small races where, if I somehow managed to harness my true Runner Spirit, I possibly could place in my age group (based on last year's results).

I could sign up for this weekend's and then, seeing how it goes, sign up for next weekend's too.

Really, it's all up in the air but I'd like to know before tomorrow night what I plan to do. The only thing that's for certain is that this Saturday I'm going to meet this little fellow and start working on earning the title of Best Aunt Ever.
This post was kind of just an excuse to post adorable pictures of my nephew. Sorry.


1 comment:

  1. It's been a while since I've read any blogs but saw this picture and thought WHAT DID I MISS, DID ALI HAVE A BABY???? Congrats on becoming an Aunt! Good luck in your race choice! Here's hoping you can earn an AG award at one of them! -M
