Friday, February 15, 2019

This Week has Been a Joke

This week has been a true example of Murphy's Law at work. Like, it has to be a joke, it's been so rough.

First, I came down with a cold the minute I finished my last long run on Sunday. I've been given prednisone for my asthma, but don't want to take a decongestant or cough medicine because of hydration issues I've had in the past. Plus, I think maybe the prednisone is giving me foot and leg cramps.

Our lovely cool front teased me with a return on Wednesday only to completely disappear. Warm weather is back, and it looks like race day is going to be warm and sunny.
Wednesday, I accidentally spilled Chipotle all over the kitchen and injured the crook of my knee with the vacuum when I was cleaning it up. Because of course I did.
I mean...why. Just why.
I've been having muscle cramps in my sleep (and all I can think is that they must be related to the Taper Bogeyman or prednisone or something) and I couldn't decide all week if I should risk an easy run with my cold and wheezing to lubricate my legs, or keep resting. I finally ran Thursday, which resulted in more foot cramps (the kind where your toes curl in like claws and you have to manually pull them apart for relief).
Please ignore all the weird autocorrects here and focus instead on the fact that the cherry on top of this week was seeing a car on fire where I usually park to go on my runs. And also, foot cramps.
The good news is that the run gave me a feel for my legs. They feel fresh! My lungs are a mess right now - no amount of albuterol or prednisone is fully clearing them at the moment - but running actually made them feel better. (Sorry Mom, please don't freak out, I promise not to die on Sunday.)

Also, Jess and Jenn got me some good luck race day/birthday bling and I know it's going to bring me luck and good vibes on Sunday!
When your legs get with your heart!
I also recall running this race pretty sick one year and feeling surprisingly great on race day, so I'm hoping to just have a repeat of that experience.

Basically, this week leading up to A1A has been harder than the entire training cycle (it's almost laughable, really), but I'm still feeling pretty confident in an I know this race is going to happen so none of this even matters kind of way.

As of tonight, training is officially over and race weekend is upon us. Wish me luck!


PS: It's my birthday today, so happy birthday to me! A great gift would be clear lungs and sinuses come Sunday. Thanks in advance.


  1. OK, don't die. You promised. Happy Birthday!

  2. Ugh tough week but that’s all in the past now! Birthday / race weekend has kicked off and it’s all positive vibes from here on out! Happy birthday!!!!

  3. Man you had a rough one!! I hope you have an awesome race tomorrow! Happy Birthday!
