This week, I tinkered with SmartCoach and came up with a plan I'm really happy with. Originally, the plan called for four 20-milers, and two of those were on back-to-back weekends, so that was one change I made. I also built up my mileage more slowly in the early weeks, and added a couple races.
I love working backwards so I can see how my paces will slowly get faster throughout training. |
I'll be running the 10k Race for FISH again...this will be my
fourth year running it! I couldn't say no.
I also added a half marathon in November. It's the Fort Myers Marathon, which I ran a
couple years ago while sick...that was really rough. It was also the race that was supposed to be my first full, but luckily wasn't.
A bunch of my friends saw I had signed up for this and thought I was running the full. full in December is enough for me! |
I think it will be nice to have a half marathon a month out from the full; it will really help me get an idea of how my paces are going.
There's also a 15k I ran two years ago, but I can't find any information on it...If they decide to have the race again, I'll definitely sign up.
I love that the paces on my plan look really doable. I know I can meet them if I'm diligent. I just hope when race day comes, I can keep the pace I need for my goal. (I'll share more about my A, B, and C goals when I'm further into training.) This is my second marathon, but it's the first I'm planning to really
race. The first one was all about finishing! I'd like to really train with a race-plan in mind this time.
(Even as I'm looking at my plan now, I feel really confident, but I seem to be forgetting that even four miles is awful right now because of the humidity. But I know I'll get on track!)
We were dripping after this, and a little slap-happy. Matt's plan for Chattajack called for 60 minutes in HR zone 1, so we kept it really easy, which was totally fine by me! |
I took my new shoes out for a run yesterday. I do like them; I could tell from the get-go that they're lighter than the Kayano. That was the main reason I switched; they're lighter and cost a bit less. The GT 2000s are basically the same shoe as the Kayano except that the heel drop is slightly lower (21mm vs. 24mm). I'm hoping the cushioning proves to be enough for marathon training. If not, I'll use them for shorter runs and switch back to the Kayano for long runs.
Nice and grassy after our first run together. |
Finally, my exciting news...
Meg messaged me the other day regarding BDR. When she was thinking about what race to run this fall/winter,
Kristina suggested BDR because she's running the half and I'm, obviously, running the full. At first it seemed like a pipe dream, but Meg couldn't shake the thought of it! So yes, she's decided to run the half! I'm so excited to have another blogger friend at the race
and to enjoy the whole weekend, especially a seasoned marathoner!
The medal design was released this week...I haven't earned a medal in months! I'm looking forward to adding this one to my wall. |
It turns out quite a few of my friends will be at BDR, so I'm hoping to see a lot of familiar faces along the course!
I officially start training next week. I can't wait!
What does your fall race schedule look like?
Do you like running tune-up races before your goal race?
Is there a race you try to run every year?