Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My Running Favorites

Jess over at Fairweather Runner tagged me to share some of my running favorites! I actually had to put a lot more thought into this than I expected.

Favorite Running Place I don't have any really pretty routes that I just love. I don't live in that part of Florida I guess. I have favorite running places for different purposes. Lately, I've been loving running on the golf course behind my house. The winding, sandy paths are easier on my knees than concrete and some of the views are quite pretty. It's a nice place to run when I want to relax and zone out.
I mean, it's pretty gorgeous for a stupid old golf course!
(Secondarily, my favorite places to run are actually anywhere out of town. I just get extra motivation out of traveling I guess!)

Favorite Time of Day I really hate waking up early, so usually I prefer to run in the evenings. But summer's come early to Florida, so morning runs (before the sun is up) are a little less painful! My favorite time of day to run is evening in winter, but early morning in summer.
4am on my street last week. I'm already repeating, "Summer miles make fall smiles" to myself over and over.
Favorite Weather Overcast, misty, 50 degrees. Nothing beats that!

Favorite Fuel I absolutely love Glutino toaster pastries before a run! After being diagnosed with Celiac, Pop Tarts were the #1 thing I missed. (How weird and random is that?! I didn't even like Pop Tarts that much when I could eat them!) When Glutino finally came out with their toaster pastries, I drove 40 minutes to Whole Foods and bought an entire case! Luckily, my local grocery store now stocks them so I don't have to hoard them like a doomsday prepper
Some of my breakfast marathon pop tart included!
Favorite Accessories My Pro Compression PC runner socks. I love the sleeves, but the marathon socks are too thin to run in. The PC runners are slightly thicker/cushiony and fairly tight/supportive. Plus, they're so colorful! I never get squishy, sweaty feet in these babies, and I've never had a blister in them either!
I've convinced quite a few people to try these and they all love them!
Favorite Reward Nap time. I almost said food, but honestly, nap time trumps even the most delicious post-run feast!

I'd love to read about Meg, Heather, and Lizzy's running favorites!

How do you reward yourself after a workout?
What's your favorite thing about running?



  1. I really like running outside and seeing what the world is up to. I always see lots of people and sometimes animals. I also really love running in new places, which I guess I'll be getting a lot of in the next few weeks after the move.

    I think if I couldn't eat gluten, I'd miss pop tarts a lot too. :-)

    1. I wish I saw more animals on my runs. In my parents' neighborhood there are always tons of deer and birds. Outdoor running is definitely more entertaining and fun than indoor!

  2. Thanks for tagging me! I would love to run in FL sometime. :) Do your gluten free pop tarts taste close enough to the real kind?

    1. I don't remember what real pop-tarts taste like! They're lower in sugar and Matt says they smell better than the normal kind; he's never tried mine but his theory is that they're more of an authentic pastry. I just know they definitely fill the void I've been feeling haha!

  3. Your marathon morning breakfast looks a lot like mine! The only difference is that I do hot coffee and glutenous pop tarts with my banana :) I don't love pop-tarts generally, but I think they make great long run fuel.

    1. I do hot coffee if I'm at home for races, but if I need something convenient I swear by the Starbucks double shots!

      I heard somewhere pop-tarts are really good for long run fuel, so I tried it, and now I swear by it!

  4. I rarely eat pop tarts now but there was a time (when I was younger) that I ate them every day for breakfast on my way to school (I was a teacher).

    1. They are super convenient...I think if I could still eat gluten I wouldn't have obsessed over them nearly as much as I did haha.

  5. Yay, thanks for tagging me!!!! I promise to do this post this weekend :) I wish my views looked like yours for at least a small part of the year ;) Nap time rewards + Netflix to play in the background are my favourite!

    1. Nap time seems to be a winner for most's how I convince myself to wake up for a run. "Go run, and you can nap later!" haha

  6. Fun list! Those socks are cute - I need to get more ProCompression gear!

    1. They're sooo cute and REALLY comfortable. I swear by them!

  7. Nap time definitely trumps even the best and most delicious food! Usually right after a long run I'm pumped up but after I eat and get out of a nice warm shower I literally melt into my bed. I love that feeling!

    1. Same! Sometimes I think I'm awake but by the time I've showered I'm like, "Ooh...I could lie down...snoooooore" haha.

  8. Thanks for participating! I love seeing everyone's favorite running places. I actually really enjoyed running on the golf course near my friend's place when she was living in the St. Mary's, GA / Jacksonville area! It felt very peaceful.

    That's really funny about the Pop Tarts! I honestly can't remember the last time I had one – it's probably been at least 10 years!

    1. It's funny because the golf course is like fake nature, but it IS peaceful and so lovely!
