Tuesday, April 28, 2015

14 Days Running

How unfortunate is it that I persevered through scorching weather and the first time in weeks the temperature is below 75 happens to be the first day my streak is over?

Alas, that's just the way it goes sometimes. My two weeks of running daily has come to an end.
April's runs. Obviously I decided to do this streak partially because of the first week of nothing this month!
The streak definitely paid off, though. Running has become a habit again; I mostly ran alone, so that reaffirmed that I don't need to run with friends to be motivated (although sometimes it's nice!). I feel focused and dedicated. I feel ready to keep running through the end of the school year despite the pressures and time constraints. (Usually I take all of May off, and I'd like to avoid that this year.)

I love that streaking makes running a no-brainer. There is no choice, no chance to waffle...you just run!
Celebratory crazy-eyes after my last run on Monday! I dug deep for four miles on the bridge to cap off the streak.
I also think it helped me deal with the stress that comes with the last quarter of the year. I had my TPE (teacher performance evaluation) this week and I doubt I'd have been nearly as calm and prepared if I hadn't been running regularly.

So cheers to my streak for helping get me on track! But my legs and I are definitely ready for some rest!

 May is nearly here! I have no questions today, just happiness and relief!
Share something that made you happy this month!



  1. Congrats on your streak! Florida summers are brutal, but if you can run through that, you have some serious perseverance. Good luck with the rest of the school year!

    I guess winning the Chicago Marathon lottery made me happy this month. I'm not sure how happy I'll be on Oct. 11 though. Haha!

    1. Thank you!

      I'm so excited to follow your training for Chicago!

  2. Congrats on your streak! Haha I have always said that I think it's a law of nature that the weather is always nicest on your days off from training (or, in your case, when your streak is over). I feel ya.

    I think I will do a streak later this year when I'm done with my fall marathon and have a gap before I need to start training for the next one. It sounds like a great way to stay motivated and in shape!

    1. OMG it's so true!! Nature conspires to be beautiful on rest days!!

  3. WooHoo!! Congrats on the streak! Are you going to continue with daily runs or back off some?

    1. It's time to back off a bit...my legs need the rest!

  4. Yea, run streak! I loved seeing your enthusiasm for running return over the course of the two-week streak. Hopefully this will mark the return of a running habit and a great way to kick off marathon training.

    This month my first single-authored peer review article was accepted for publication. It was a huge confidence boost and definitely made me happy!

    1. OOOOH congrats on getting published!!! That's such a huge deal. I bet you're ecstatic!

  5. So happy for you! Enjoy your rest, you've earned it!

  6. Congrats on 14 days of running, I may give a streak a try in May. I think I will need to beat my max of 9 days :)

    1. Have you started one?? I bet you could get to double digits this time!

  7. That's a great streak! I've never done a running streak like that before, but I have plans to do one in November this year. I hope it's as successful as yours!

    1. I like that you're already planning your November streak! hehe

  8. Yay! Congratulations on your running streak! I'm glad it gave you back your love for running!

  9. Congrats! What a way to restart! I also feel much more calm on days that I run--it helps me be a MUCH better mom!

    1. Yes, running definitely helps those of us around kids keep our cool!

  10. Congratulations on your streak! I am starting mine on Monday (after Dance Theatre :) )
