Thursday, January 22, 2015

Is This Normal?

You know how you go through your days experiencing life as yourself and then someone says something like, "Ugh, I woke up with robot-devil hands today," and you're like, "I hate when that happens, I'm always waking up with robot-devil hands," and they give you this incredulous look like that's not normal?
You better watch out or Beezelbot will steal your hands and your woman!
Obviously if the not normal thing were that blatant, your concerned friends would suggest a visit to a doctor specializing in the removal of robot-devil hands. My problem is much more mundane; I only just realized that maybe it's not normal to suffer from constant, bone-deep exhaustion.
This is actually my life.
This can't be normal. Some days I can barely drive home from work without my eyelids getting heavy. I'm ready for bed by six every night, not because I'm planning a long run in the morning or anything, but because I'm just that tired. I look forward to the weekends so that I can sleep as late as I want. I hit the wall during my runs before the run has even really started.

And yes, usually running gives me more energy. I think one thing that's been concerning me is that running isn't helping like it usually does; if anything, it leaves me feeling more sluggish.

I did a little research. Because of celiac, I eat fewer carbs than most people and I used to think maybe this was why my energy levels are always so low...But just recently I've wondered if maybe it's something more.
I made the mistake of going on WebMD and looking up a list of possible causes. My hypochondriac-self is now worrying about anemia, thyroid problems, and heart disease, among other things.

I just had a physical but I hadn't thought to tell my doctor that most days I'm basically an extra in The Walking Dead. 

Maybe I should schedule another appointment and have some tests run, but I'm not sure if this kind of exhaustion is just normal for women my age. 

So tell it? Or am I just being a baby?
Have you ever had to combat constant fatigue? What helped you?



  1. I would definitely follow your gut on this one and keep researching and experimenting until you feel more energetic. How are you sleeping at night? That old adage of waking and sleeping at the same time everyday always helps me...that is of course when my kids decide to actually sleep though the night!! Good luck figuring it out and I hope you feel better soon!

    1. I sleep like the dead. I fall asleep within seconds of lying down and I sleep until my alarm goes off, and I still feel tired!

  2. I have definitely had day where I am exhausted... even a few days in a row. But usually something fixes it- a couple days of extra sleep, a few rest days, more food... But if you are trying things and it is still not helping, I would definitely go to the doctor! In the meantime, I hope you give yourself some TLC. I don't think anyone should have to be exhausted all day, everyday.

    1. I used to think that being ready to nap at all times was totally normal and being tired constantly was normal too. Sounds like it's not!

  3. Do you think it could just be a B-12 deficiency? That's a common issue with celiac I believe. I would sched. an appointment with your doctor just to have him check it out. You deserve a higher quality of life and more energy to do the things you enjoy!

    BTW I love that episode of Futurama! :)

    1. I used to take B12 vitamins but didn't notice a difference. Maybe I should start again and see if anything changes.

  4. Fellow should definitely go back to the dr and have a blood test for iron levels as well as your thyroid. Severe anemia was one of my main celiac symptoms and I still can tend towards low. Celiacs are at extra risk for thyroid issues, just like any other autoimmune issue. Also, when I increased my mileage last year (newer runner) I found I really needed to eat carbs because my energy was lagging. The extra carbs really made a difference for me. Good luck!

    1. I'll definitely have my iron levels checked, thanks for the recommendation!

  5. Agree with the others about your Blevels probably being lower than your normal low. Like Ann, I had to bump up my carbs when my mileage was higher, I ended up doubling up on bananas for the carbs.

    I just confirmed my B and D are both in the gutter again and have to try a new type to see if we can bump it up again without resortingto shots.

    1. I hadn't thought of adding more fruits for carbs...good idea! I think I'll try adding B12 back into my supplements and see if I notice a difference.

  6. It could be a lot of things, but that kind of fatigue can definitely be a symptom of thyroid issues. I am slightly hypothyroid and would never have known if I didn't get tested for it. Also, running can make your levels out of whack too. So, I would get it checked out just in case. Good luck!

  7. Also common in the first trimester :) Might want to do an at home test if you have not already done so.

    1. LOL that's one thing I definitely know isn't causing it.

  8. I have these thoughts every day of my life. I'm a vegetarian so I thought it was a lack of protein or iron but I eat plenty of protein still and I was taking iron supplements for a while and didn't feel a difference. I'm still way too tired every day but I think I'm just getting used to it. I hope you can figure out what is causing you to feel like this!

    1. That's literally how I feel! Like being tired is people feel! I'm definitely going to look into it and see what's up.

  9. I have struggled with anemia for years. I felt the same way, but I am no doctor. I would go in and explain these them and ask for blood work. You should know what it is and then you won't have to think the worst!!

    1. True, I'd like the peace of a mind of a real diagnosis. I guess back to the doctor it is!

  10. How long have you been having this issue? Are there external factors that are contributing? For me, I'm exhausted during the week but I wake up at 4 am daily for work. So I feel like that's more normal based on my schedule. I don't feel the same on weekends though. As much as I hate doctors, I would say see if it gets any better and if you don't start experiencing improvement in the next few weeks, see a doctor.

    1. It's been worse for a couple weeks now, but I've ALWAYS had lower energy levels that my peers. I do think some work stress exacerbated it but it's been a constant in my life forever.

  11. Trust your heart! Go see a doctor and demand results! I hope you feel back to "normal" soon!

  12. Sounds like me when I had pernicious anemia from B12 deficiency.
    I've been a vegetarian since I was 9 and I've been allergic to milk my whole life. My allergy was pretty bad for a while in 2012 so I couldn't eat anything with milk proteins in it without throwing up and getting a nasty rash around my mouth and throath - so obviously I didn't consume anything with milk in it, not even things that had the little "may contain milk" etc on the back. So that gave me anemia, awesome haha. No meat and dairy. I don't take B12 pills or shots now, I just try to get dairy products into my diet (It's normally really not a BIG problem for me, just an itchy and swollen throat, and that I can live with) when I can and hope for the best, but when my allergy goes crazy I take the pills instead. And my doctor checks my blood every now and then just to be safe. I really don't want to get all anemic again.
    You should absolutely go to the doctor again! Better safe than sorry, right?:) life is so much better when you actually have the energy to live. *Hugs*

    1. As frustrating as celiac is to live with, I'm glad I can drink regular milk now. (I used to have to avoid cow's milk but I outgrew my allergy.) Milk is in everything! Your through getting itchy and swollen sounds really you carry an epi pen in case your allergy gets worse one day? Would iron pills help you?

      I am definitely going to get back to the doctor. Thank you for your insight!

  13. Definitely not normal. My fiancé was struggling with a similar issue and it turned out it was thyroid problems AND a pretty easy fix. He feels a lot better and has heaps more energy these days. Now I'm the sleepy one! There's also the other usual suspects: B-12 (gets me) and iron (gets my vegetarian mom). You should mention it to your doctor. I don't know if you got bloodwork with your physical, but they might just be able to go back and look at those results and see if anything turns up on them.

    1. I haven't had bloodwork in literally years. My physical was more like a "I need my prescriptions refilled, things are good" check in. I'll make another appointment for bloodwork!
