Kristina tagged me in the mustache linkup...It's too cute (and too much of a needed distraction this week!) to ignore!
Four names people call me, other than my real name:
1. Moo - in middle school, my trio of friends called each other Moo, Meow, and Eek. Oh, '90s, you were good to us.
2. Awi - my childhood friends
3. Owlie - my mom used to call me this when I was really little
4. AliAster - pretty much all my college friends
#4 is technically my "real" name (or was); it was also my most-frequent nickname. It's just really fun to say altogether like that!
Four jobs I've had:
1. Hostess at Chili's
2 Administration assistant at a surrogacy consultation firm - I learned so much about egg donation and surrogacy. This was just a fascinating job!
3. Barnes & Noble - So many books. So happy.
4. Waitress at a retirement home restaurant
Four movies I've watched more than once:
1. Closer
2. The Princess Bride
3. Pretty Woman
4. You've Got Mail
I mean, how can I resist?! Even though I own this movie, if it's on TV I'll always stop and watch it, commercials and all. |
Obviously there are tons of movies I've watched over and over, but these are the first to come to mind. They're kind of a strange mix!
Four books I'd recommend:
The Postmortal by Drew Magary - This novel is about a world where they've found a cure to aging and the consequences thereof.
Funny and thought-provoking. |
2. The World According to Garp by John Irving - I really love all John Irving novels. I especially love Garp and Owen Meany for their slow build and strong conclusions.
3. She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb - This was the first Wally Lamb novel I read and it's still one of my favorites.
4. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon - The mix of historical fiction and romance in this series makes it a favorite.
I purposely left Harry Potter and all my top Stephen King books off this list. See, I do branch out sometimes!
Four places I've lived:
1. Beachwood, Ohio
Stephie and I on our back porch back in the old days. |
The house we grew up in. |
2. Sarasota, Florida
3. Edinburgh, Scotland
4. DeLand, Florida
Four places I'd rather be right now:
This is really hard. I'm perfectly happy where I am right now!
Four of my favorite foods:
2. Ice cream
3. Nuts (particularly almonds, walnuts, and cashews)
4. Cheese
Four TV shows I watch:
1. Bones
2. The Walking Dead
That's how you know he's hardcore. |
3. Modern Family
4. Naked and Afraid
I am kind of a TV addict. There are tons more I could list. Maybe I should consider cutting down...
Four things I'm looking forward to this year:
I'm interpreting this to mean "within the next year", not "before 2014 ends in 5 weeks."
1. Finishing my first marathon (4 days! Funny how my mind goes to "finishing" it, not "running" it.)
2. Going to DC again with my students. I didn't go last year and I'm sorry I missed it!
At the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Any wonder I'm scared of sea creatures?! |
3. Continuing to decorate and renovate our house.
4. Our upcoming weekend getaway to Captiva Island.
Four things I'm always saying:
1. "Ladies and gentlemen, why are we talking?" - to my students
2. "Fun fact..." - when I'm channeling Hermione Granger and laying down some knowledge
3."Seriously?!" - when responding to gossip
4. "I'm tired." - pretty much all the time
Four people I tag:
Well, that was a nice distraction! Now back to obsessively reviewing my to-do list before marathon day!
Join in, commenters! Tell me four things about you!