A few of you have asked after Caryn, wondering how her running is going. You have to love the running community - we're excellent cheerleaders and brainwashers. "Oh," we think, "a new runner! Let's make sure they stick to it long enough for the addiction to really get its claws in!"
Anyway, here's her latest email, complete with my responses. There are a few things I'm sure you all could help her with better than I could!
I swear, nothing
happens at work for weeks at a time, but as soon as I sit down to write an
email to you, EVERYBODY NEEDS ME and whatever they have has a swiftly
approaching deadline because they procrastinated. I now have two signs hung up
in my office that read: "RUSH! You mean you want me to rush your rush job
ahead of the rush job that I'm rushing to rush?" and " Lack of
planning (on your part) does not justify an emergency (on my part)."
these people.
That said, here
is my update.
So far, the
running bug has most definitely bitten me! I have reached the point where once
I get out there I am so happy that I did. To be perfectly honest, getting out
there sometimes requires a large amount of personal goading and motivation, but
once the music is bumping in my ears and I can see the shadow of my pony tail
bouncing, I just feel everything come together. Why didn't I start doing this
sooner?! (I ask myself this same
question ALL THE TIME.)

My progress to
date is running about two miles consistently with about a mile walk warm-up.
The dogs are loving this and I swear Boomer, my oldest dog and the
greyhound/lab mix, is starting to develop her greyhound muscles. She is such a
good pacer! Maulie, my gifted child as I love to call her, is coming along. She
is much more of a sprinter and heaven help me if there is a squirrel or
small bird, because she immediately flips into stalk mode and either slams on
her brakes or goes bolting toward the offending creature. We are gathering that
she is definitely part hound and 100% special friend.
I still have yet to sign
up for a race. As I had mentioned in previous emails, I was considering
doing the color run as my first 5k, but due to a hospital visit, I missed the
deadline to register. Boo. I am still training for one though, I just need to
research one to ease myself into, because I am too scared to commit to a
serious one. (Not to say 5k races aren’t
“serious”, but there are so many people that run them for fun and without real
training that you shouldn’t feel intimidated. Find one that’s for a good cause –
that automatically means there will be plenty of participants there just to
Caryn after completing her first 3-miler!
Here are some
questions for you though that have come to mind during this part of my
running journey.
1. When is the best time to hydrate before
a run? I feel like if I drink water right before a run, I get the worst side
stitches. Hydrate way ahead…as in, days
ahead. If you’re running in the morning, drink lots the night before. If you’re
running in the evening, make sure you’re drinking all morning. You shouldn’t
feel like you want to chug water right before you head out. Especially in the
summer (and in the south, no less) it’s important to think “prevention” when it
comes to hydration.
2. How on earth
does one get rid of side stitches. Those assholes appear and then NOTHING I do
will get rid of them and my run is a loss. Thankfully, this has only happened
three times. I’ve heard all kinds of
theories, like exhaling when your left foot hits the ground, or breathing by
counts of 4…but honestly, all I’ve found that helps is to slow down a bit and
breathe regularly/deeply. There are lots of articles out there on conquering
stitches. Here’s a slew from Runner’s World.
3. What is a
good price for running gear, not necessarily shoes, because I know those cost
an arm and a leg? I
found these running tights I love, but they are $70. On the opposing side, I
found some at Target for $12. But they already have a hole at the waist line. I
really do not know what a good baseline is for buying workout clothes, or for
that matter what I should be looking for in them (materials, stitching, etc.) I love TJ MAXX for running gear. They have
good brands for super cheap. Once in awhile I’ll splurge, and it’ll mean
$50-$70 dollars for bottoms and at least $25 for a top. My favorite running
tops are all from TJM, but my favorite shorts are expensive Nikes. The bottom
line is that brand name stuff at box stores and running stores will cost the
appendage you bought said item for…A splurge here and there is nice, but I
prefer to try to keep it economically savvy, because I spend too much on races
to drop Benjamins on clothes. (I’m so hard, yo.)

4. Can you
recommend good running ear buds and a method/product to hold my phone/ipod? The
shorts pocket is not deep enough and I can't hold it while holding a leash with
two dogs. I freaking love my Yurbuds.
They stay in perfectly and never hurt, allow for ambient noise so you’re not
deaf to the world, AND if the buds don’t fit your ears (each box comes with two
sizes), they’ll make you a specialized pair for FREE. They’re about $20-$30 and
worth every penny. As for holders, I use a LifeProof case so my armband is
LifeProof as well…I know there are a few different belts you could try, but I've never experimented with them myself. I’ll ask my readers to offer some suggestions in the comments
for you!
5. Running app
vs. Garmin type watch. I use runtastic right now and it is just getting me by,
do you know of a good running app or is it better to go ahead and fork out the
money for like a fitbit or a garmin or something along those lines? I am loyal to Nike+. I started using it
when I first began running and it has all my data going back to 2009. It’s
intuitive to use, plus their support team is amazing if you ever run into a
problem with the app. I do like the Garmin I’ve been using, but since I run
with my phone anyway, it seems like overkill to wear a GPS watch unless I need
to be watching my splits really carefully. FitBit is a pedometer, not a GPS, so
it’s not going to be as helpful for tracking your pace or miles.
Look forward to
hearing back from you! Also your classroom looks awesome, I saw the pics on
Facebook! Hope you have a wonderful school year!"
Caryn also tagged me in that "share five pictures in which you feel beautiful" meme, so here are mine:
I feel beautiful when...I'm dressed up with friends, being ridiculously goofy for my students, hanging with Matt, finished with a hard run, and being active and social with people I love. |
So, readers, help a new runner out!
How do you banish side stitches?
How do you carry your phone/iPod?
I challenge you to post five pictures that make you feel beautiful...because damn it, I think you're ALL beautiful and it's about time you basked in it!