Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Two Great Runs

Tuesday's run was the kind that runners love...and spouses of runners dread. Why? Because I came home totally pumped and wanted to tell every single detail as soon as I walked in the door.

Matt was very accommodating, but he had his "I'm kind of judging you/laughing at you" face on.

I had done T25 with Elizabeth, but it was only abs, so I really needed a run, but it looked liked maybe it wouldn't happen due to errands and some weird timing with dinner. I had planned to run a flat route and do a tempo run, but the sun was setting and I knew I'd be finished in the dark, so I needed a better route.

I know it's not recommended, but I decided to do my tempo on the bridge. Double speedwork points!

Temperatures in the 60s, clear skies, and daylight?!
So here's basically what I told Matt, but with less flailing and marginally better use of commas.

Mile 1: Keep it slow, self. A tempo run has to start slow; I might be so excited to be running and my legs feel so fresh but I need to save my energy for the bridge.

A blurry shot as I began my second ascent on the bridge.
Mile 3: This isn't as easy as it was a minute ago, but I'm nearly done, I can slow down soon, just get through this mile...

Mile 4: This feels too slow. I need to find a balance...there it is. Ah, DONE. I am INVINCIBLE!

Final splits.
You all know the feeling of accomplishment that comes with finishing a grueling run worth being proud of. I was seriously elated all night.
Post-run glow. (This is just for you, Kristina - see, I DO sweat!)
Today, we did T25 again, and then I met Kristin at Fit2Run for the Wednesday fun run. I wanted to get in five miles, but after yesterday's T25, last night's hard run, and this afternoon's workout, my knee needed the break. We kept the pace easy and I chose to cut the run a little short.
Our gorgeous was a breezy 68 today. I love springtime!
Kristin and I talked the entire run; I felt light and happy. It was just the run I needed to complete today's workout without pushing too hard.

Tomorrow we leave in the early afternoon for the second March wedding I've been talking about. I am so excited. I have a new dress that really pushes me out of my comfort zone (meaning it's not black), and Matt is going to look so dapper in his tux.

I'm planning to get a run in either Friday morning or Saturday morning before the festivities begin. Fingers crossed that the weather stays gorgeous!

Sorry to gloat about the weather; you all have my permission to tease me right back from May to October when I'm roasting at 5am!

How are your runs going this week?
Do you like tempo runs?
Bridges: love them or hate them?



  1. That is fantastic! There's nothing like a perfect run to make your whole day!! My husband listens with the same reaction so I mostly save it for my girlfriends now:-) And that palm tree lined path with 68 degree temps? Looks like absolute heaven! Yesterday it was a high of 31 here with 30 mph wind gusts. The opposite of heaven.

    1. You would think gushing about it on the blog would be enough, but for some reason I just HAVE to tell him when I have a really great one haha.

  2. OMG I want to come run with you! Look at the scenery and lack of SNOW! LOL. I love tempo runs, but I do not love bridges. Great job on getting those awesome miles in!!

    1. My door is ALWAYS open. How cool would a blogger meetup be?!

  3. Runs like that always serve as a reminder of why I continue to push through the hard days! I love your positive outlook on life. And that weather looks beautiful. I always think of you when I do my T25 videos too. I love to hate them.

    1. I love to relive runs like this when I'm midway through a really hard one, too!

  4. Whaaat look at those miles in the 8s! You seriously rocked that run!!!

    Hahaha you *do* sweat! :)

    1. haha yep, I have to keep towels in the car so I don't soak the seats. SO gross!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Best. Eyebrows. Ever.

    1. I knew this was you before I even saw the name. I've been working on maintaining them...glad they earned your stamp of approval!

  7. Can't wait to see pics of your new dress!

    1. I'll have the post about the wedding up this week! It was amazing!

  8. Love tempo runs. Fine with bridges as long as I can't see through them (bad fear of heights that I can quell as long as I can pretend I'm standing on solid ground).

    1. Oh, yeah I don't like bridges where there are big gaps or the railings are open. Too scary!

  9. Love that you had a great run! I'm living vicariously through your excitement since I'm nursing this injury. PS. Thanks for the IT Band links! :)

  10. I absolutely love runs like this!!!!!! YAY! :) Have a great time this weekend!

  11. Oh Ali....I can only dream of the green pathways that you are running along right now. IT seems like spring will never find it's way to Nova Scotia.

    I like flat bridges...LOL. We have a mile run here every August that runs over one of our's a hard run and not one of my favorites!

    1. Spring will come...and it will be glorious! Hang in there!
