Monday, September 30, 2013

Just the Facts

I ran exactly zero miles last week.

I'm frustrated by my foot. When I take my pills, my stomach is too ravaged to run. When I don't take them, the pain creeps back and is just as devastating.

My interest level in completing my full in five weeks has dwindled to almost non-existent.

I'm seriously considering running the half instead, and pushing a full to December...more time to heal and rest.

I'm reading my blog list, but am too busy to leave meaningful comments, so I've been incommunicado.

My failure to complete my long run last weekend because of the baseball game from hell has basically sapped me of all motivation. That mental whammy went pretty deep.

Today was the first day I woke up and had even a little urge to run.

I'm worried I won't have time for a real taper because of the two long runs I've missed.

I'm trying to stay positive, but right now I feel like I'm in survival mode.

Keep on chugging, friends. I'm not sure what my plan is as of right now, but I'm seriously weighing my options and trying to be realistic.



  1. If your foot is still so painful, I'd scrap the full in five weeks for sure, and maybe not even do the half (because you need recovery time from that as well). Just focus right now on recovering, evaluate how things are at in a couple of weeks, and then, if you're pain free, do the full in December.

    Just remember, in the whole of your life, these months are pretty small part of it. Don't worry about the running so much. It will be there for you when you are ready/able. (I know, so much easier said than done.)

    Take care of yourself!

    1. Thank you for this...I need to remember my lifetime goals, not just this year's.

  2. I agree word-for-word with Annie. Further injuring your foot might sideline you for an entire year. Next time, your doctor might say, "No running at ALL" and is this one race worth that? Trust me, I KNOW how frustrating sitting still can be. I know the mental paces you're putting yourself through. I can hear your quiet judgements behind the words you're typing. And please consider actually, fully, resting. For a while, not just a week. The healing process is mysterious, and you might need to let your body take the lead this time.

    You WILL come back. I promise.

    1. You're right that I was feeling pretty ashamed and judgmental toward myself when I wrote this. I do feel like I've come to the right decision. Thank you for your kind words!

  3. I could have written this blog if you just exchange marathon in five weeks with RW Hat Trick in three weeks. I haven't run at all in eight days. Like you, today was the first day I woke up with any thoughts about actually getting out on the road.

    Don't run the marathon if it's going to make you hate running or make your injury worse. It's not worth it. That's my wisdom from someone who's right there down in the slough with you.

    1. I'm lucky to have so many people who can offer advice from having been there before...Thank you. I'm going to heed your advice.

  4. Girl- you gotta do what you gotta do. If you aren't feeling it, no point in forcing yourself to do it! But, if you are feeling any urge I say GO FOR IT!

  5. I say Go for the full if you are feeling like you might be able to do it - but if you don't want to, don't! :)

  6. Definitely listen to your body in terms of recovery. If you feel up to it, do it! I've done marathons that way before. Obviously I had a good solid base of fitness incorporating some long runs into my training leading up to the marathon. But also, if you don't feel like your body/injury could hold up to it, I'd definitely seek physio advice on whether you should participate in the full distance.

    Good luck in recovery and keep running! :)

    1. I think because this is my first one, I just don't want to have a terrible experience that jades me for life, you know?

  7. I'd say you are being too hard on yourself! You are being so awesome and listening to your body. If there is a full in December, go for that, really it's not that far away! Is there a 10K as well as the half? If it isn't too painful (mentally) maybe you can volunteer at the race so you feel like you are still involved. Keep your head up! You're fantastic!!!

    1. Thank you...yeah, I think I beat myself up a little over this decision. But I know deep down it's the right one! Thanks for your kind words, girl!

  8. Just chiming in to say I agree with everyone above!

    December is just around the corner and staying healthy is important because ... YOLO! <--- :D

    1. Haha this may be the best use of YOLO I've ever seen! "Stay healthy and don't take risks! YOLO!" is like the opposite of how people usually use it hehe!

  9. I agree with everyone as well.... you have to DO YOU!!!!!
    If you are up for the half, DO IT, if not, no big deal!
    I would rather know you are healthy and happy then struggling physically and mentally on the course to finish your full!
    Plus, if you run the half in Nov, it will be great training for the FULL in Dec.!!!!!
    DO YOU!
    We are all behind you and support you!!!

    1. Thanks girl, I needed the encouragement :o) You're so right...I need to focus on my needs and how I want to run, and not any outside factors.

  10. I can so relate to this, I have been struggling with recovering from an injury as well! All the best in your recovery! :-)
