Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pace Yourself & Other Helpful Sites

Like I said during my first week of marathon training, my time goal (besides "just finish") is under 6 hours. Hopefully that's doable based on my usual pace.

Of course, there's no knowing how strong/weak/injured/tired/hungry I'll really be at the tail end of the marathon, but I kind of love the existence of a calculator that helps you guesstimate with some confidence.

Look at all the choices!
I like this page from Runner's World because it offers more than just the usual pace calculator. Plus, that link to create a wristband? Super awesome! So many runners write paces on their arms anyway; this is just easier to clean up!

I've also been reading a ton of articles on marathoning. I'm trying not to let myself get overwhelmed. That's why an article like this one is so helpful:
 I mean, people have written approximately a gazillion books on what to do/not do when running any distance ever. Neatly packaging these things into ten easy-to-remember no-nos is extremely helpful and way less overwhelming.

As the school year raises its head (I've spent the last two days getting my classroom together and open house is Saturday), I've been having trouble getting back into good sleeping habits. Last night we went out for Matt's birthday (because I'll be working on his actual birthday), and I slept in so late today I'm almost embarrassed to admit it but..."breakfast" was totally "lunch".
They came out to celebrate on a work night, and it's not even actually his birthday yet! I'm impressed.
But I know I need to get back to running at 4:30 in order to fit everything else into my day, and I'm hoping I can start that routine this week. (Also, motivating myself to get up when I have no one to meet? Not at all easy! I'm really going to have to test my willpower here.)

I've shared this site before. I absolutely love it! I stress less about getting enough hours, and the recommendations based on REM cycles really do seem to hold water.

I know I'm going to be facing some scheduling challenges in the next couple weeks. It's time to really walk-the-walk and make training a priority so I don't fall behind. I'm going to actually have to learn to be organized!

...Oy. That seriously goes against my nature. Wish me luck!

Which websites do you find helpful?
How do you fit your workouts into your busy schedule?
It's Wednesday! How's your week going so far?



  1. I'm a fan of the McMillan Pace Calculator as well. Super easy to use as everything is on the same page, gives you other race distance equivalents, and training paces.

    As for training, even though it's been 3 recovery runs since my half marathon, I'm still a tiny bit sore ;) haha

    Kyle @ SKORA Running

    1. Depending on the course, I stay sore about a week after a half!

  2. THANK YOU for sharing the link to RW and mentioning the Pace Wristband Creator... awesome!!

    I need to get back to running in the a.m. too -- at least on the weekends. I've been hitting the treadmill more lately which gives me the freedom to sleep in, but I really need to get back to running outdoors which means getting up early. I'm just totally not a morning person... ugh!

    1. Ah, glad you found something helpful!!

      My gym opens at 5. I could use the treadmill there if I capped my run at 3.5 miles and got back home by 6 to shower etc. As much as I hate running alone in the morning in the dark...I need to bite the bullet and do it! I'm not a morning person either!

    2. 5am is still too early for me during the week! I always run at night when I get home from work M-F. If I'm running outdoors I'll go right when I get home around 6:30pm and if I'm hitting the treadmill I'll usually go close to 7:30pm. It helps me de-stress from the day.

  3. Aaa! Waking up at 4:30 to run sounds absolutely horrifying to me! You are super awesome for having the willpower to do that!!! I'm such an afternoon worker outer, but I think with the school year approaching I am going to have to get acquainted with the morning exercisers as well.

    I have been in a car for hours and hours on the Wednesday, but it will all be worth it tomorrow when I'm on the island I absolutely love.

    1. My body's prime workout time is like 4pm...but because I have to be at work by 7:30, I find working out in the morning gives me more energy later in the day. But man, getting UP is hard, for sure.

      Which island are you visiting? We were going to see Catalina but ran out of time!

  4. Ah my week has been so hectic. I have been having a tough time getting my workouts in. I love the sleep calculator, soo cool. I just signed up for the Savannah half Mary in November so time to get started on the training plan! Good look with your training, marathon training is intense!

    1. Sometimes life gets in the way, for sure. The sleep calculator definitely helps with scheduling!

      Ooh, a race in Savannah sounds beautiful!

  5. I run as early as I can- I also go to bed as early as I can! I love that Runner's World calculator and use it all the time!

    1. Today I was up at 5:45 for my run. I'm pretty proud of myself. I figure if races are in the mornings, training in the mornings makes sense.

  6. I loved the article, some of those are definitely true for all runs!
    I am a morning runner! I love how it jump starts my day! It definitely takes some time to get use to but I think once you do it enough, your body will automatically wake up at 4:30am to run!!!
    Have an awesome school year!!!

    1. It's true that once you make it a habit, your body primes itself for it. Plus, it really does give me energy all day! When I'm in the habit and I skip a day, I'm a zombie at work.
