It took about four miles to really warm up, and then I felt strong. We kept a steady, slow pace in the mid-10s for most of the miles. (We even had some sub-10s, which is great considering our long runs are never that fast!) Around mile 9, both K and I began to feel the mileage wearing on us, and by the last three miles both of us were struggling through intense knee pain. Still, we picked up the pace for the last mile in order to come in under 2:15. My Half goal is (publicly) 2:30 and (privately...but now publicly) 2:15, so it was good to meet that goal in training!
The run did so much for us. Not only do I now know that I can run 13 miles without stopping for more than a drink or two, but now I've destroyed my Half time by 45 minutes, and I'm feeling really confident for November 18. Of course, I'm also absolutely wrecked with nerves. I've never felt both so excited and so anxious for Thanksgiving Break!
So this week was mile-heavy and really, really strong after a couple of weeks that fell a bit short. Two weeks until the Half! Crunch time!
You got this! Godspeed to you!